HNP Simple Port Scan Firewall C#
Veröffentlicht am: 18.07.2023 | Letztes Update am: 18.07.23 | Lesezeit: 2 Minute/n

Hacker / Angreifer nutzen Portscans, um festzustellen, welche Ports auf einem Server oder Computer offen / freigeschaltet sind. Dadurch werden passende “Fenster” für einen Angriff ausgewählt. Häufig genutzt werden dazu leere UDP Pakete oder TCP-SYN Pakete. Wir haben C# Code vorbereitet, welcher den Ansatz verfolgt, diese Vorgehensweisen zu bemerken. Anschließend zu zählen und je nach Config die IP-Adresse des möglichen Angreifers zu blockieren.

* Name: HNP Simple Port Scan Firewall
* Description: Detect port scans and automatically block attackers.
* Author: Homepage-nach-Preis 
* Version: 1.0
* Author URI:
* License: Creative Commons Non-Commercial - CC-NC 4.0

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Diagnostics;

class Hnp_PortScanner
    static void Main()
        List<int> hnp_targetPorts = new List<int> { 12345, 80, 443 }; // List of target ports or port range to monitor
        int hnp_emptyPacketThreshold = 5; // Number of empty packets before the IP address is blocked
        int hnp_synPacketThreshold = 10; // Number of SYN packets before the IP address is blocked

        Dictionary<IPAddress, int> hnp_emptyPackets = new Dictionary<IPAddress, int>();
        Dictionary<IPAddress, int> hnp_synPackets = new Dictionary<IPAddress, int>();

        using (UdpClient hnp_udpClient = new UdpClient())
        using (TcpListener hnp_tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, hnp_targetPorts[0]))

            Console.WriteLine("Port Scanner is listening...");

            while (true)
                    // Monitoring UDP packets
                    IPEndPoint hnp_udpSenderEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                    byte[] hnp_udpReceivedBytes = hnp_udpClient.Receive(ref hnp_udpSenderEndPoint);

                    if (hnp_targetPorts.Contains(hnp_udpSenderEndPoint.Port) && hnp_udpReceivedBytes.Length == 0)
                        if (!hnp_emptyPackets.ContainsKey(hnp_udpSenderEndPoint.Address))
                            hnp_emptyPackets[hnp_udpSenderEndPoint.Address] = 0;


                        Console.WriteLine($"Empty UDP packet received from {hnp_udpSenderEndPoint.Address}:{hnp_udpSenderEndPoint.Port}. Possible port scan attempt.");

                        if (hnp_emptyPackets[hnp_udpSenderEndPoint.Address] >= hnp_emptyPacketThreshold)
                            Console.WriteLine($"IP address {hnp_udpSenderEndPoint.Address} has been blocked.");

                    // Monitoring TCP-SYN packets
                    TcpClient hnp_tcpClient = hnp_tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient();
                    IPEndPoint hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)hnp_tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint;

                    if (hnp_targetPorts.Contains(hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint.Port))
                        if (!hnp_synPackets.ContainsKey(hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint.Address))
                            hnp_synPackets[hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint.Address] = 0;


                        Console.WriteLine($"TCP-SYN packet received from {hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint.Address}:{hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint.Port}. Possible port scan attempt.");

                        if (hnp_synPackets[hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint.Address] >= hnp_synPacketThreshold)
                            Console.WriteLine($"IP address {hnp_tcpSenderEndPoint.Address} has been blocked.");

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error occurred: {ex.Message}");

    static void Hnp_BlockIpAddress(IPAddress hnp_ipAddress)
        string hnp_arguments = $"advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"Block IP\" dir=in interface=any action=block remoteip={hnp_ipAddress}";
        Process.Start("netsh", hnp_arguments)?.WaitForExit();


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