Das “HNP OpenStreetMap Shortcode” Plugin ermöglicht es Benutzern, OpenStreetMap-Karten mit einem Pin direkt auf ihrer WordPress-Website einzubetten, indem sie einen Shortcode verwenden. Es bietet eine einfache Möglichkeit, einen Standort auf einer interaktiven Karte zu markieren.
Hier sind die Hauptmerkmale des Plugins:
- Shortcode-Unterstützung: Benutzer können den bereitgestellten Shortcode verwenden, um eine Karte mit einem Pin an einem bestimmten Standort anzuzeigen.
- Anpassbare Optionen: Das Plugin bietet verschiedene anpassbare Optionen, darunter die Möglichkeit, die Adresse des Pins, den Namen des Markers, den Zoomlevel der Karte, den Kartenstil sowie die Höhe und Breite der Karte anzupassen.
- Integrierte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen: Das Plugin enthält Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wie Nonce-Überprüfung, um unautorisierte Zugriffe auf die Plugin-Optionen zu verhindern und die Datenintegrität zu gewährleisten.
- Einfache Konfiguration: Benutzer können die Plugin-Optionen über das WordPress-Adminpanel konfigurieren, um ihre Karten entsprechend ihren Anforderungen anzupassen.
Das Plugin wurde von Homepage-nach-Preis.de entwickelt und steht unter der GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3), was bedeutet, dass es kostenlos verwendet und modifiziert werden kann, solange die Lizenzbedingungen eingehalten werden.
Github: https://github.com/HNP-Christopher-Rohde/hnp-openstreetmap-wordpress-plugin/tree/main/hnp_openstreetmap
<?php /* Plugin Name: HNP OpenStreetMap Shortcode Description: Creates a frontend OpenStreetMap map with a pin using a shortcode Version: 1.0 Author: HNP - C.R. Author URI: https://homepage-nach-preis.de/ License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html */ // Security check to prevent direct access to the plugin file defined('ABSPATH') or die('No script kiddies please!'); // Function to enqueue Leaflet library function hnp_openmaps_enqueue_leaflet_scripts() { // Define a version number for your CSS file $version = '1.9.4'; // Check if Leaflet CSS is not already enqueued if (!wp_style_is('leaflet-css')) { // Enqueue Leaflet CSS with the defined version wp_enqueue_style('leaflet-css', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'leaflet/leaflet.css', array(), $version); } // Check if Leaflet JavaScript is not already enqueued if (!wp_script_is('leaflet-js')) { // Enqueue Leaflet JavaScript with the defined version wp_enqueue_script('leaflet-js', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'leaflet/leaflet.js', array(), $version, true); } } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hnp_openmaps_enqueue_leaflet_scripts'); // Function to display OpenStreetMap maps with a pin function hnp_openmaps_display_map_with_pin() { // Load options and sanitize address $raw_address = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_address', 'Hardenbergpl. 8, 10787 Berlin, Germany'); $clean_address = sanitize_text_field($raw_address); // Load options and sanitize marker name $marker_name = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_name', 'Berlin Zoological Garden'); // Load zoom level, map style, height, and width of the map $zoom = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_zoom', 12); $style = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_style', 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'); $height = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_height', '400px'); $width = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_width', '100%'); // JavaScript variable for map initialization and adding markers $map = " <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { "; // Split address into individual parts and encode $address_parts = explode(',', $clean_address); $encoded_address_parts = array_map('urlencode', $address_parts); $encoded_address = implode(',', $encoded_address_parts); // Construct Nominatim URL $nominatim_url = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&q={$encoded_address}"; // Get geocoding data from Nominatim $response = wp_remote_get($nominatim_url); // Check if the request was successful if (!is_wp_error($response) && wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) === 200) { $data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), true); // Check if geocoding results were obtained if (!empty($data)) { $latitude = $data[0]['lat']; $longitude = $data[0]['lon']; // Initialize map with center at marker coordinates $map .= " var hnp_openmaps_map = L.map('hnp_openmaps_map').setView([$latitude, $longitude], $zoom); "; // Add tiles to the map $map .= " L.tileLayer('$style', { attribution: '© <a href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' }).addTo(hnp_openmaps_map); "; // Add marker to the map $map .= " L.marker([$latitude, $longitude]).addTo(hnp_openmaps_map).bindPopup('" . esc_js($clean_address) . "').bindTooltip('" . esc_js($marker_name) . "'); console.log('Geocoding successful for address:', " . wp_json_encode($clean_address) . "); "; } else { // Error retrieving geocoding data error_log("Error retrieving geocoding data for address: $clean_address"); $map .= " console.log('Error retrieving geocoding data for address:', " . wp_json_encode($clean_address) . "); "; } } else { // Error retrieving geocoding data error_log("Error retrieving geocoding data for address: $clean_address"); $map .= " console.log('Error retrieving geocoding data for address:', " . wp_json_encode($clean_address) . "); "; } // Add JavaScript end $map .= " }); </script> "; // Return map div and JavaScript return '<div id="hnp_openmaps_map" style="height: ' . esc_attr($height) . '; width: ' . esc_attr($width) . ';"></div>' . $map; } // Register shortcode add_shortcode('hnp_openmaps_display_map_with_pin', 'hnp_openmaps_display_map_with_pin'); // Function to add plugin options to the main menu function hnp_openmaps_add_plugin_options_page() { // Check permission if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { add_menu_page( 'HNP OpenStreetMap Settings', 'HNP OpenStreetMap', 'manage_options', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings', 'hnp_openmaps_render_plugin_options_page', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'img/hnp-favi.png' ); } } add_action('admin_menu', 'hnp_openmaps_add_plugin_options_page'); // Add settings link to plugin on the Plugins page function hnp_openmaps_add_settings_link($links) { $settings_link = '<a href="admin.php?page=hnp-openmaps-osm-settings">' . __('Settings') . '</a>'; array_unshift($links, $settings_link); // Add the settings link at the beginning of the array return $links; } add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'hnp_openmaps_add_settings_link'); // Function to render plugin options page function hnp_openmaps_render_plugin_options_page() { ?> <div class="wrap"> <h1>HNP OpenStreetMap Settings</h1> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php settings_fields('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group'); ?> <?php do_settings_sections('hnp-openmaps-osm-settings'); ?> <?php // Add nonce wp_nonce_field('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_nonce', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_nonce'); ?> <?php submit_button(); ?> </form> </div> <?php }
// Function to register plugin options function hnp_openmaps_register_plugin_options() { // Adresse add_settings_section( 'hnp_openmaps_osm_address_section', 'Address', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_address_section_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings' ); add_settings_field( 'hnp_openmaps_map_address', 'Address', 'hnp_openmaps_map_address_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_address_section' ); register_setting('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group', 'hnp_openmaps_map_address'); // Name add_settings_section( 'hnp_openmaps_osm_name_section', 'Name', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_name_section_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings' ); add_settings_field( 'hnp_openmaps_map_name', 'Name', 'hnp_openmaps_map_name_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_name_section' ); register_setting('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group', 'hnp_openmaps_map_name'); // Karten-Zoom add_settings_section( 'hnp_openmaps_osm_zoom_section', 'Map Zoom', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_zoom_section_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings' ); add_settings_field( 'hnp_openmaps_map_zoom', 'Map Zoom', 'hnp_openmaps_map_zoom_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_zoom_section' ); register_setting('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group', 'hnp_openmaps_map_zoom'); // Kartenstil add_settings_section( 'hnp_openmaps_osm_style_section', 'Map Style', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_style_section_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings' ); add_settings_field( 'hnp_openmaps_map_style', 'Map Style', 'hnp_openmaps_map_style_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_style_section' ); register_setting('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group', 'hnp_openmaps_map_style'); add_settings_section( 'hnp_openmaps_osm_height_section', 'Map Height', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_height_section_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings' ); add_settings_field( 'hnp_openmaps_map_height', 'Map Height', 'hnp_openmaps_map_height_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_height_section' ); register_setting('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group', 'hnp_openmaps_map_height'); add_settings_section( 'hnp_openmaps_osm_width_section', 'Map Width', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_width_section_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings' ); add_settings_field( 'hnp_openmaps_map_width', 'Map Width', 'hnp_openmaps_map_width_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings', 'hnp_openmaps_osm_width_section' ); register_setting('hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group', 'hnp_openmaps_map_width'); add_settings_section( 'hnp_openmaps_shortcode_section', 'Shortcode', 'hnp_openmaps_shortcode_section_callback', 'hnp-openmaps-osm-settings' ); }
// Callback functions for each option function hnp_openmaps_osm_address_section_callback() { echo '<p>Enter the address to be displayed on the map. <br>Format: Streetname + Housenumber, City Name + ZIP Code, Country <br>(Separate each part with a comma)</p>'; } function hnp_openmaps_map_address_callback() { $address = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_address', 'Hardenbergpl. 8, 10787 Berlin, Germany'); echo '<input type="text" name="hnp_openmaps_map_address" value="' . esc_attr($address) . '" />'; } function hnp_openmaps_osm_name_section_callback() { echo '<p>Enter the name for the marker to be displayed on the map.</p>'; } function hnp_openmaps_map_name_callback() { $name = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_name', 'Berlin Zoological Garden'); echo '<input type="text" name="hnp_openmaps_map_name" value="' . esc_attr($name) . '" />'; } function hnp_openmaps_osm_zoom_section_callback() { echo '<p>Set the zoom level of the map.</p>'; } function hnp_openmaps_map_zoom_callback() { $zoom = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_zoom', 12); echo '<input type="number" name="hnp_openmaps_map_zoom" value="' . esc_attr($zoom) . '" />'; } function hnp_openmaps_osm_style_section_callback() { echo '<p>Select the map style.</p>'; } function hnp_openmaps_map_style_callback() { $style = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_style', 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'); $styles = array( 'Standard (OpenStreetMap)' => 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 'Hot' => 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 'Cycle' => 'https://tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 'Transport' => 'https://{s}.tile.thunderforest.com/transport/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' // More styles can be added here ); echo '<select name="hnp_openmaps_map_style">'; foreach ($styles as $label => $url) { echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($url) . '" ' . selected($style, $url, false) . '>' . esc_html($label) . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } function hnp_openmaps_osm_height_section_callback() { echo '<p>Set the height of the map.</p>'; } function hnp_openmaps_map_height_callback() { $height = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_height', '400px'); echo '<input type="text" name="hnp_openmaps_map_height" value="' . esc_attr($height) . '" />'; } function hnp_openmaps_osm_width_section_callback() { echo '<p>Set the width of the map.</p>'; } function hnp_openmaps_map_width_callback() { $width = get_option('hnp_openmaps_map_width', '100%'); echo '<input type="text" name="hnp_openmaps_map_width" value="' . esc_attr($width) . '" />'; } function hnp_openmaps_shortcode_section_callback() { echo '<p>Shortcode: [hnp_openmaps_display_map_with_pin]</p>'; } // Register plugin options and security measures add_action('admin_init', 'hnp_openmaps_register_plugin_options'); // Security measures: Nonce verification for options update function hnp_openmaps_validate_settings($input) { return $input; // Simply return the input, no further validation here } // Security measures: Nonce verification and save options function hnp_openmaps_register_security_options() { // Check if the current page is our plugin options page if (isset($_POST['option_page']) && $_POST['option_page'] == 'hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_group') { // Check if the nonce is set and valid if (!isset($_POST['hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_nonce'], 'hnp_openmaps_osm_settings_nonce')) { // Unauthorized request, do not save options wp_die('Unauthorized request.'); // Output error message for unauthorized requests } // Save options update_option('hnp_openmaps_map_address', $_POST['hnp_openmaps_map_address']); update_option('hnp_openmaps_map_name', $_POST['hnp_openmaps_map_name']); update_option('hnp_openmaps_map_zoom', $_POST['hnp_openmaps_map_zoom']); update_option('hnp_openmaps_map_style', $_POST['hnp_openmaps_map_style']); update_option('hnp_openmaps_map_height', $_POST['hnp_openmaps_map_height']); update_option('hnp_openmaps_map_width', $_POST['hnp_openmaps_map_width']); } } add_action('admin_init', 'hnp_openmaps_register_security_options');
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